"Meet Hip-Hop’s Favorite Streetwear Reseller" 

    Everyone from Wiz Khalifa to Playboi Carti have visited Chinatown’s OG Ma.Streetwear brands like Supreme have always been a staple within the rap community. When they’re in New York City, rappers know to come to OG Ma, owner of the streetwear store Unique Hype Collection in Chinatown. She’s been in the game since the early 2000s, with rappers like Playboi Carti, Juice WRLD, Travis Scott and even international stars like... click to read more 





    Unique Hype has been open for about 12 years, satisfying Supreme lovers’ demand for the brand, which is often just too great for the supply. But Ma always has supply. This is why, even as stores working off similar reselling concepts have proliferated around the city (Stadium Goods, Flight Club, CopVsDrop) and new e-commerce reselling start-ups continue to pop up online (Grailed, StockX) Ma’s remains the premiere destination. Unique Hype is the standard bearer and OG Ma is its mythical leading figure ... click to read more

    "OG Ma Reigns Supreme in Chinatown" 

    OG Ma is a streetwear legend. Born Lam Zie, she moved to the U.S. from China in the early 1990s. She fell in love with street style, and was rocking Supreme back when it was still a niche brand among skaters. One of the first people to realize you could make a fortune selling cult brands on the resale market, she opened Unique Hype Collection in New York City’s Chinatown. Today, the shop has become the go-to place for all things Supreme. She’s got fans in Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott, and everyone wants to have their photo taken with OG Ma, the icon herself... click to read more 

    很多明星都有來過,但是我都不認識他們,例如韓國的 G-Dragon。對於 OG Ma 而言,現今 Supreme 雖然仍有着其影響力,但是話中仍是覺得新不如舊。「我最喜歡的是 2004 年至 2008 年的 Supreme,當時產量少,造的產品也比較精緻。」接着 OG Ma 便如數家珍將她認為最好的 Photo Print Tee 人物一口氣說出來,是名符其實的 Supreme 活字典,也是她為何是「鎮店之寶」的一個原因。後來再因為 Instagram 的盛行,OG Ma 侄子也自說自話幫 OG Ma 建立帳戶,繼而在她意識到社交媒體的重要性,日復日將她的 Supreme 配搭與眾分享,相信 OG Ma 和 Supreme 已經是環環相扣,甚至成為比明星更有吸引力的人物。... click to read more




    "原來在Unique Hype之前 紐約是沒有Supreme炒賣店的"

    不過別以為正是紐約炒賣Supreme的先驅者,就誤會Unique Hype自06年成立那一刻起,就一直風調雨順,當中的辛酸事,當真令OG Ma百般滋味在心頭:「很多人看到我們風光一面,見到Travis Scott、Kylie Jenner、Wiz Khalifa等流行巨星光顧Unique Hype,就總認定我們『贏在起跑線上』,其實當真大錯特錯。」「二十多年前我帶同二個兒子由深圳離鄉別井,移民到美國紐約,當真殊不容易,既要好好照顧兒子,卻偏偏人生路不熟,起初的確十分不習慣,曾經一度思鄉得嚴重,諗過回流深圳搞一間貿易公司,重新生活就了事,幸好最後都總算適應下來,找到一份保姆工作。」
    「及至2006年,兒子Peter就提議自己做生意起來,開設一個轉售潮流商品的店,基於我們老早就是Supreme的支持者 ... click to read more


    LKF 專訪傳奇 Supreme 炒賣店 UNIQUE HYPE 靈魂人物 OG Ma


    適逢早前 UNIQUE HYPE 在香港開設首家分店,OG Ma 亦都遠從美國飛抵香港參與開幕。我們亦藉此機會相約到 OG Ma 作個人專訪,她如數家珍地分享自己喜歡的 Supreme 各種經典單品,亦都提到了港人非常願意花錢入手,令他們感到驚訝!被問到她怎樣看年青人節衣縮食去買東西時,更表示他們是「識貨之人」才會有這樣做!在訪問中除了能更了解 OG Ma ... click to read more





    "Meet OG Ma — the mother and Chinese immigrant who's obsessed with Supreme fashion"

    “Celebrities come look for her,” Au says. “She doesn’t know who they are. They know who she is.”He adds, “OG has been in the business for some time, and for her to recognize pieces that are older, that’s how she got her name. She was like the encyclopedia for Supreme. She knows what year they’re from, she knows what season they were made, and she even knows the colors that they produced.” ... click to read more


    「這可是這週最新發售的,」其中一個男人想努力抬價。Og Ma不為所動。她馬上把頭轉到左邊,用下巴指了指堆在角落的一堆貨。Og Ma不多言,即使她的對手是兩個看起來彪悍的男人。他們放棄了。Og Ma很快數了數一疊現金給他們。「我不講價,」Og Ma用帶著廣東口音的普通話對我說,「我說多少,就是多少。」... click to read more 


    "來頭超大的「潮姨 OG Ma」!來自紐約最有名Supreme炒賣店"

    位於商場地下室的一小間店面,麻雀雖小,不過商品密度超高,你可以在這裡找到最新剛發行的商品,也可以挖到夢寐以求的聯名商品,甚至是一件難求的Box Logo Tee,這裡貨的齊全程度,可是其他競爭炒賣店也都認可的,當然這些東西都不會原價賣出。 ... click to read more

      但凡任何一件物件在市場上多人追捧,久而久之就會出現供不應求甚至炒賣現象。此現象在牛仔褲、波鞋與玩具界中可謂時有發生,但可以好似美國街牌Supreme咁長炒長有十幾年確實相當罕見,而更加罕見的是竟然有人靠炒賣Supreme成為潮界大紅人。 ... click to read more


        NEWS NOW
        "〈好潮〉誰是紐約唐人街潮牌大媽 OG MA?"
        其實OG Ma對潮流時尚也很有自己想法與態度,不賣山寨款的她向來堅持正版,瞭如指掌分出每個聯名系列。據說個性率真的她更有個專為非賣品的玻璃櫃內藏她個人收藏的潮牌,她還說過「不管別人出多少錢,我都不會賣。」... click to read more